Saturday, September 25, 2004

Passion Poem

I appreciated this note from one of our readers. Don't we all want to live?

Wow!! I just read your "Passion" poem Click and it fits my life to a T!! Eight years ago, my husband, who I loved more than life itself, walked out and disappeared, never to look back. Needless to say, I was devastated. I am disabled, had just given birth to a special needs child with many, many problems, and suffered my own serious health problems requiring emergency surgery. I felt life was being very cruel to me at the time.

I finally realized these were God's trials for my life to teach me endurance, strength, courage, patience, and a stronger faith. Two years ago, I woke up one morning, hearing the birds singing outside my window, and said, "I WANT TO LIVE!!"; This poem is exactly how I feel. I'm ready to move forward with my life, and possibly engage in another relationship, although I will be more selective in choosing a partner than I was in the past. Thank you for such an inspirational outlook on life!!

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