Friday, November 21, 2008

Stoke the Positive

One of the leading researchers into positive psychology, Barbara Fredrickson, has published an article in the Huffington Post called, "Keep Stoking the Positivity -- Our Future Depends On It." Here are a few paragraphs.

"We need positivity, the complex web of causes and consequences of positive emotions, now more than ever. Not just to sugarcoat bitter news or distract us from gloom. We need positivity because we're different people when we're under its influence.

Pleasant emotions like hope, inspiration, joy, and well-earned pride literally open us. As the blinders of negativity fall away, we take in more of what surrounds us. We see both the forest and the trees. We appreciate the oneness that binds us instead of the barriers that divide us. Even race becomes irrelevant.

But that's not the half of it. Positivity's mental openness fertilizes just the sort of creative and integrative thinking that hard-to-find solutions and compromises are made of. With the throng of problems facing our nation and our new president, we sorely need this expansive thinking. In addition, when we think broadly we discover and build new skills, new alliances, and new resilience - which make us better prepared to handle future adversity. Even mild positive emotions, experienced regularly, set people on discernable trajectories of growth, making them better off next season than they are today.

Science suggests that when we experience genuine, heartfelt positive emotions in a 3-to-1 ratio with negative emotions, we cross a psychological tipping point on the other side of which we function at our very best."
I couldn't agree more. Given our global economic problems, stoking the positive generates the very energies our world requires. Read the whole article at the Huffington Post.Coaching Inquiries: What assists you to stoke the positive? How can you keep the embers burning? Who can be your appreciative buddy on the trek of life?

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