Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Holidays

My friend and colleague from Wellcoaches Corporation, Margaret Moore (aka Coach Meg), recently published a piece on ten no-cost gifts that will elevate your happiness over the holidays. Her suggestions included:

  • Express gratitude -- The simple act of thanking people can bring happiness and well-being. Saying thank you, as it turns out, is not just good manners; it's good for you, too. University of California Davis psychology professor Robert Emmons has found that grateful people tend to be more optimistic, a characteristic that boosts the immune system.
  • Share precious time with others -- Your well-being is dependent on giving and sharing in ways that make a difference in the world. Your time is the most valuable thing you can share. Make someone her favorite home-cooked meal and don’t drop it at the door, savor it together.
  • Give your time to see a movie, hike, walk, or visit a museum -- any fun outing together that is a simple pleasure and generates fond memories.
  • Forgive -- Release negative emotions that follow you around like little rain clouds by forgiving those you love. You’ll both benefit.
  • Memorialize it -- make an occasion to mark, share, and celebrate your forgiveness.
  • Laugh -- Arrange times with people you care about to laugh by reminiscing about old times or enjoying favorite jokes. Watch a funny television show or movie. Laughter is infectious and safe to spread.
  • Cherish family and friends -- Unconditional appreciation can make anyone feel like a million bucks. Be fully present and listen mindfully without a trace of judgment. Accept people you care about wholeheartedly as they are today. Often it is best to choose a close connection over being right.
  • Say 'I love you' -- The ability to love and be loved is one of the character strengths that correlates most with happiness. Make the demonstration of your love unforgettable.
  • Give a compliment -- You know how good you feel when someone gives you a compliment. Return the favor and feel good too.
  • Pass along a family heirloom -- Give a sentimental gift to someone close, an old framed photo, a cherished book, a sweater, or trinket. The recipient will never forget a gift close to your heart.
  • Give a "Freebie" certificate for an experience or service that would make a difference in someone’s life -- an exotic home-cooked meal, a cooking lesson, a hobby session, help organizing a closet, or babysitting duties.
  • Create flow experiences -- Help friends and family engage in activities that bring them flow, a state of complete absorption in a challenging activity that uses one’s strengths and stretches one’s skills.

To read the whole article, go to Huliq News. To learn more about wellness coaching, go to

Coaching Inquiries: On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate your happiness quotient? What do you do that makes you smile? Which of Margaret's ideas would you like to adopt? Who could you call up and thank, right now?

If you would like to learn more about our Coaching Programs and to arrange for a complementary coaching session, Click Here or Email Us.

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