Sunday, January 03, 2010

Seeing You

This poem was written after seeing the movie Avatar. It speaks to the value of connection and deep appreciation for all of life. I hope you enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it.
Seeing You
by Bob Tschannen-Moran © 2010

When I see you
And you see me
We all see better

When I understand your feelings
And you understand mine
We all understand each other

When I recognize your needs
And you recognize mine
We all recognize the source of life

When I hear what you want
And you hear what I want
We all hear how to make life
More Wonderful

Coaching Inquiries: Who sees you? Who do you see? How can your connection and mutuality be enhanced? What would make your life more wonderful? How could you make life more wonderful? Vitally. Better. Together.

If you find this poem intriguing, use the Contact Form or Email Bob with your response. We'd love to hear from you and to offer you a complimentary telephone coaching session. Enjoy!

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