Friday, September 03, 2010

Needs Matter

Laser Provision: When it comes to leadership, needs matter. Leaders who are more concerned about their own power, position, ego, agenda, perks, pocketbooks, smarts, or solutions, than about the needs of their people and the people they serve are not great leaders at all. Great leaders take a "seventh generation" perspective. We think about the impacts of our decisions not only on the needs of people today but also in the needs of people seven generations in the future. Where are we taking our people? If you haven't thought about that lately, then read on. You just might get inspired. Read entire Provision...

Coaching Inquiries: What needs are you most acutely aware of right now? What are people trying to tell you about how you are treating and respecting their needs? How could you do more listening before taking charge? What would have to change in order for you to get into that frame of mind? Who do you know who models respectful servant leadership? How can you get to know them better?

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