Saturday, October 02, 2010

Happiness Matters

Laser ProvisionAs someone concerned about the future of education in America and around the world, I have watched with increasing dismay the strident calls to get tough with teachers. There's no hiding the behaviorist philosophy: punish the low-performers and reward the high-performers. But are such threats and incentives the best way to change behavior and reform the system? Twelve years of coaching adults to higher-levels of learning and performance tell me the answer is no. Happiness matters. That's the most important incentive of them all. Read Entire Provision...

Coaching Inquiries: What framework do you come from? How can you make life and work more positive? What is one thing that could make you happy right now? How can you meet more of your needs for autonomy, competence, relatedness, and well-being? How could you assist others to meet those needs as well?

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