Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nutrition 501

Laser Provision: What are the basics of healthy nutrition? That question is harder to answer than it might, at first, appear. Food isn't what it used to be and the effects are taking their toll. Overweight and obesity are the rule rather than the exception in many parts of the world while, at the same time, people elsewhere are starving in abject poverty. What's a person to do? The key is to get educated and interested in sustainable, healthy nutrition. It's not beyond our ability to turn things around. Read on to learn more!

Coaching Inquiries: Which of the 2010 Dietary Recommendations do you follow on a regular basis? Which ones could you start to follow more regularly? What changes would you like to make in your nutritional routine? Who could you recruit to share the journey with you?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Our Distributed Brain - What Have We Learned?

Laser Provision: When I started this Provisions series on Our Distributed Brains, little did I know what an educational and eventful four months it would be. I invited you then to help me co-construct this Provisions series by referring me to some of your favorite books and articles on learning and the brain. You did not disappoint. I am still making my way through the digital pile! In addition, as most of you know, my 87-year-old mother died rather suddenly and mercifully during this same period of time. Talk about learning from experience! My Limbic system, the seat of emotion, took over with deep feelings of sadness and grief. It's time now to summarize what we have learned before we move on to other topics. People tell me they love these summaries; I hope this one is no exception. Click here to read on.

Coaching Inquiries: What stimulates your brain for life? What would you like more of? What would you like less of? What goals might you be interested in taking up? Who would be a good conversation partner to talk with? What would you like to learn? How could notice more of the good stuff that makes life worth living?