A new study adds human hair to a growing list of waste products that can boost crop growth. The list already includes cow manure, sewage sludge, and sheep wool.
"We concluded that human hair can release a sufficient amount of nutrients to support crops," said agricultural scientist Valtcho Zeliazkov of Mississippi State University in Verona. "This is a waste material with clear benefits for producers and the environment."
The idea is not entirely new. In fact, hair-based fertilizer is already commercially available. A Florida-based company called SmartGrow, for one, sells hair-containing mats that gardeners place beneath or on top of their plants.
How's that for a creative and, for some, a little creepy way to use the hair that piles up on salon floors every day! You never know where green will go.
Coaching Inquiries: What level of consciousness do you bring to eco-friendly concerns? How can you participate more fully in the green revolution? Who can serve as a mentor, example, or coach for you? How can you make it so?
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