Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Nurture Children

I'm surprised that only two lists of The Ten New Commandments urge us to protect and nurture children as a guideline for living. If not us, who? If not now, when? Throughout history children have been abused and exploited for the gain, benefit, and sadistic pleasure of adults. Although the world community has clearly condemned such violations and inhumanity, problems continue to this very day. That's why it's important to support organizations like UNICEF. And that's also why it's important to pay attention to our own attitudes and approaches when it comes to children. I say we put the needs of children first. What about you? Read Entire Article...

Coaching Inquiries: Who are the children in your life who need to be protected and nurtured? How can you reach out in ways that help them to become more fully alive? What kind of support are you able to offer? Why not make some child's day today?

To talk with us about coaching or consulting services for yourself or your organization, use the Contact for Coaching Form to arrange for a complimentary conversation.

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