Saturday, February 06, 2010

Support UNICEF

I don't know about you, but one of my long-time charities has been the United Nations Children's Fund otherwise known as UNICEF. Created by the United Nations General Assembly in 1946 to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II, UNICEF has grown into a permanent part of the United Nations system, providing long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.

The UNICEF website highlights the following focus areas:
  • Child survival and development
  • Basic education and gender equality
  • HIV/AIDS and children
  • Child protection
  • Policy advocacy and partnerships
And the following reasons for doing what they do:
  • Because children have rights
  • Because the world has set goals for children
  • Because children demand a voice
  • Because poverty reduction starts with children
  • Because the people of the world say 'Yes' for children
  • Because children should not be dying from preventable causes
As one of the primary responders to the tragedy in Haiti and as one of the leading development organizations in the world today, I encourage you to find out more and to support them as best you can. Support UNICEF.

Coaching Inquiries: How might you be able to extend more care and support to children around the world? What kinds of initiatives intrigue or attract you most? Who do you identify as champion of children? How can you reach out today and let them know you care?

We invite you Contact Us using our Feedback Form if you are interested in learning more about LifeTrek Coaching or participating in our Evocative Coach Training Program.

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