Sunday, March 14, 2010

Eleven Commandments

Laser Provision: After four months of comparing and contrasting seven different sets of Ten Commandments in my weekly email newsletter, LifeTrek Provisions, it's time to bring this series to a close. So today, if you click through to read the entire Provision, I present my top Eleven Commandments or Guidelines for Living, one right after another. If you've been reading along, then these will be familiar to you. If you are checking this out now, for the first time, then you will get four months of Provisions in one single dose. Either way, I hope you will find this summary to be both helpful and inspirational. I even add a few new pieces that haven't come before. Enjoy! Read Entire Provision...

Coaching Inquiries: What are your guidelines for living? How do they manifest in your life? Which of the above guidelines make the most sense to you? Which ones challenge the way you go about living and organizing your life? Who embodies these guidelines and could serve as role models for you? How could you get closer to them in life and work?

To reply to this Provision, use our Feedback Form. To talk with us about coaching or consulting services for yourself or your organization, use our Contact for Coaching Form to arrange for a complimentary conversation.

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