Laser Provision: Most people probably think of beans, peas, soy products, peanuts, and other legumes as perfectly safe to eat and perhaps even as healthy alternatives to meat. That may be true when it comes to commercial meat, the quality of which is so often compromised by the animal's treatment while alive and trauma while dying. But legumes pose their own set of health hazards. They often cause more problems than they solve, particularly for infants, children, and genetically susceptible individuals. All of us have to cope with their allergens, anti-nutrients, and hormones; which is why I view them more as something to be enjoyed on occasion rather than eaten regularly as a dietary staple. Read on to get the scoop on libelous legumes.
Coaching Inquiries: How many and want kinds of legumes do you include in your diet? How often do you eat them? When you eat soybeans, are they fermented or non-fermented? Do they come from genetically modified sources? What are your thoughts now as to any changes you might like to make? What other information do you want? Who would you want to talk with in the quest for wellness?