Saturday, July 07, 2012

Vital Veggies

Laser Provision: Too often vegetables are an afterthought, as in, "Eat your fruits and vegetables." But vegetables deserve far more attention than that. They are at least as important, if not more important, to health and wellness than their fruitier cousins. We're not talking here about French Fries and peanuts; those may be vegetables but they are not healthy vegetables. We are talking about fresh, colorful vegetables, ideally from local, organic sources, that can be eaten raw or lightly steamed. Salads, greens, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli can make a body whole, so why not eat some today? Click here to read on.

Coaching Inquiries: How colorful is your plate? Is more than half the plate filled with fruits and vegetables? How can you find more local sources for these nutritional powerhouses? What changes would you want to make in order to have a healthier diet? How could you make it so?

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