Laser Provision: You read that Provision title right. The best thing we can do for our brains, in particular, and our happiness overall is to stop musterbating. You know what I mean: all those mental lists we keep of the things we "must" and "must not" do. Checklists are one thing, and many people find them to be helpful. "Must" and "must not" do lists are quite another thing. They cause us to "should" on ourselves with all kind of negative self talk about how sick, dumb, crazy, or stupid we are to not be doing what we are supposed to be doing. Sound familiar? Do you play the "should-a, would-a, could-a" game with yourself? If so, then this Provision may give you both relief and direction. How do you spell relief? Read on!
Coaching Inquiries: How often do you blame, belittle, or berate yourself? How often do you think such thoughts about others? What would your life be like if you were to let go of all mental musterbating? What if the "should-a, would-a, could-a" voices were dial down the volume or even disappear? How good would that be? How could you make it so?