Laser Provision: There's a lot of research and writing these days concerning brain functioning as it relates to human happiness and peak performance. That's because it's gotten a whole lot easier in the past two decades, with the advent of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (or fMRI) scanners and other technologies, to actually study the brain as it experiences different internal events. What is happening in the brain, for example, at the moment of insight? What can we learn about the power of focused attention that may inform our approach to coaching and leadership? How does the brain connect with the rest of the body? One thing is clear: the brain is not all in our heads. It's distributed throughout the body such that we feel things on deep, visceral levels. Sound intriguing? Read on.!
Coaching Inquiries: Which brain are you more aware of right now? Your mind, your heart, or your body? What would help you to integrate those brains into a peaceful and productive whole? How could you develop more cognitive, emotional, and physiological awareness? What would you like to do with that awareness, now that it's upon you?
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