Sunday, June 03, 2012

Water Clarity

Laser Provision: When I first wrote about Water Rights almost six years ago, I received so many replies and requests that I wrote a follow-up Provision on the same subject. This time around was no different! There's obviously a lot of interest here, so I've written this Provision in Q&A format, grabbing questions and comments from both editions. The bottom line is that water benefits us on many levels, including the physical, mental, and spiritual. From the waters of the womb to the decomposition of the grave, water makes life possible. The better we connect with and treat water, the better life will be – so I hope you will join me for a few more reflections on the subject. Click here to read this full Provision.

Coaching Inquiries: What place do love and gratitude have in your life? How could consuming more and better water benefit you both physically and spiritually? Where are there bodies of water, or streams of moving water, that you could look at, get into, and / or otherwise connect with? Who could become your water body for life?

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