Monday, February 27, 2012

Your Brain on Waiting

Laser Provision: February 12, 2012. Waiting. There's a reason people describe waiting as being in the meantime. Waiting can be mean and otherwise difficult. It's hard to put life on hold, to not know the future, and to make decisions with limited information. That's the space I am living in right now, in a hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, as I wait with my mother through a difficult health scare involving blood clots. The brain reels from the loss of certainty and the proleptic grief of what might be.

Yet waiting, especially this kind of waiting, is also a gift. It gets us to slow down and it reminds us of the things that are important. We live in faith that things are unfolding in mysterious and yet wonderful ways. There is no blame or shame in waiting. So we sit in the connection of this time -- with each other, with loved ones near and far, with the hospital staff, and with the Spirit of life itself. Wait with me for a time, if you are so inclined, to see if you too can feel the gift.

No one knows for sure where this will go, but I return now to waiting rather than to writing a normal Provision. My wish for you and for my mother is the same this week as every week:

May you be filled with goodness, peace, and joy.

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